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Your support will help to more than double the size of our food services area which allows us to feed over 42,000 neighbors in need!

Click here to donate to our kitchen renovation

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Since 1955 the mission of The Hope Center at Hagerstown Rescue Mission is to offer help for today and hope for tomorrow by providing programs and services to meet the physical and spiritual needs of men, women, and children.


Our vision: a hunger-free community where everyone in need has access to good quality, nutritious food through God's grace and abundance in Jesus Christ

To better provide for the needs and welfare our people, our kitchen facilities and dining area need to be modernized to assure a clean and safe environment.


Press play to watch a video about why this project is so important and needed.

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Message from
Jim Martin:

For many years, The Hope Center has served the physical and spiritual needs of those less fortunate in this area.

They receive food for their stomach and spiritual food for their soul. I remember growing up in this hub city of Hagerstown. This ministry continues to address a growing need in the community that would be much worse if it were not here. I invite you to join me in helping to make this new kitchen and expanded dining area become reality.

SCROLL TO Check out the construction progress

How May I Become Involved?

Hope Expanded... Continuing Our Vision, is a volunteer-led effort guided by board members and friends of The Hope Center. We will be asking supporters of The Hope Center and friends of the greater community to provide gifts, both large and small, to achieve the goals. While each gift may be different, we ask you respond out of the generosity of your heart and as God has blessed you. Together we will provide the financial foundation to allow The Hope Center to continue vital ministry to the greater Hagerstown community.

Gifts may be in the form of cash, appreciated assets, or other special gifts. All gifts will be gratefully received and promptly acknowledged. All gifts to the campaign are tax deductible as allowed by law.

For more info about financially supporting our expansion project please call us at 301.739.1165

Or to give safely online now please click here:

Frequently Asked


Is it a good time to do a capital campaign?

  The best time to raise money is when you 'need' it to meet present demands, and to grow for the future. This kitchen has reached a point where it is cost ineffective to continue repairs. Additional seating capacity is needed in the dining area. To proactively address these current facility issues and prepare for the future indicate that this is the right time.

Can I give in memory of someone?

  Yes. Any size gift may be in memory or in honor of someone. All gifts of $3,000 or more will be acknowledged on a Donor Plaque if you wish.

What is the recommended commitment period?

  Donors can choose to give over a thirty-six month (three year) period. These gifts can be spread over four tax years. By spreading giving over several years, most donors will be able to give more than they originally thought possible. Additional time is offered to accommodate the needs of the donor. 

Can I give stock to fulfill my commitment?

  Yes, you may. Individuals transferring stock, mutual funds, or other appreciated assets normally receive advantageous treatment for federal tax purposes. Please consult your financial advisor.

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Message from
Ward Childerston

It has been my privilege of being associated in some way with The Hope Center for the past 30 years. Since 1996, I have served on the Board of Directors.

God has blessed this ministry down through the many years of its existence with dedicated Godly leadership. It has been amazing to see how God has used this facility. The Hope Center ministers to not only the spiritual needs of men and women, but also to their physical needs for food and housing. Many of the men have been given a place to stay, food to eat, and spiritual help day after day, week after week and sometimes longer.

The facilities have needed improvements for some time. The present plan to enlarge the kitchen and dining area is long overdue. Thank you for helping to fulfill this need.


Achieving this goal will provide the necessary funds to build the new kitchen and expand the dining area.



Achieving this goal will provide contingencies for unforeseen issues and other soft costs related to this project.



Achieving this goal will provide a Reserve For Replacement for items such as, but not limited to, imporvements to the Thrift Store, improved signage, vehicle repair or replacement and improved office equipment. The use of this Reserve will be prayerfully discerned by the Board of Directors.


We are currently raising funds to repay the loans acquired to expand our food services area. Your gift is a direct investment into your community.

Please help us reach our VICTORY GOAL of $650,000. This goal will cover the loans for the construction. Anything above and beyond will help cover any unexpected cost overruns and also any other much needed projects at The Hope Center.

You can give online, by phone, or by mail. To mail a donation please use P.O. Box 685, Hagerstown, MD 21741.

To give quickly and safely online please click the GIVE NOW button.

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